
PKF Newcastle has been a client of Evolv for nearly four years. Over these years we have benefited from Evolv’s relationship-based service, including having a dedicated client manager. This has been particularly helpful in enabling us to efficiently manage and resolve queries, as well as discuss SIS issues. We have found Evolv to always be willing to sit down and work through any challenges we are facing —whether they're related to clients, the audit process, or current industry issues. This helps us to better service our clients and improve our understanding of current SMSF audit and compliance requirements. Their quick turnaround times have also been a highlight. I would definitely recommend Evolv and have already recommended them to other PKF firms.

Daniel Clements

Partner, PKF Newcastle
Vincents first became a client of Evolv in 2015 when we were seeking a new auditor to better manage the quality of our clients’ audits and manage our associated business risk. A major draw card was Evolv’s automated process and the interface between the Class and Evolv software which streamlines and speeds up the audit process for us. Over the past nine years of partnering with Evolv, we have benefitted from their deep understanding of key areas of audit focus and how things are considered for audit purposes. This expertise is built into their technology to support the detailed hard lifting or verification process, which provides us with an efficient and quality audit process.

Brett Griffiths

Director, Vincents
Heffron has enjoyed a long and valued relationship with Evolv which first began in 2012 and continues through to this day. Evolv is a key partner of our business and critical in our delivery of administration services to thousands of SMSFs. Their commitment to innovation, particularly when it comes to technology, helps us continuously improve the efficiency of our audits, reducing our costs and improving the service to our clients. Evolv’s deep specialisation in all things SMSF means we know our clients’ audits are overseen by experts – keeping our clients safe and ensuring we can collaborate on problem solving when it comes to compliance issues. We would recommend any SMSF accountant reviewing their audit partner considers Evolv.

Meg Heffron

Managing Director, Heffron
We have been clients of Evolv for over twelve years now. A standout has been their technical knowledge and support, which not only enables us to inform our clients effectively but also ensures we stay up-to-date and enhance our own technical knowledge. We feel confident of a high-quality audit from Evolv, with their rigorous application of source documentation and the advantages of their audit program API feeds, which save time and effort not having to manually collect and compile documents. We’ve been pleased with their pricing and turnaround times over the years and would recommend them to other firms requiring SMSF audit services.

Melinda Measday

Director, HLB Mann Judd
We were seeking an auditor that we could rely on for an efficient service, and Evolv have certainly delivered that. We have also been pleased with their good communication, as well as access to their expertise when complex situations arise. We would definitely recommend them to other accounting firms.

James Doughty

Partner, Daleys
Thank you to everyone involved in providing a seamless experience to our firm. Has been such an easy process changing to you. Look forward to many years of working together. At Strategem we aim to provide the best possible client experience, and I can certainly say this is the service we have received from Evolv to date. Thank you!”

Nicole Hughes

SMSF Manager, Strategem
We have found Evolv to be thorough, and completely professional in the way that they undertake Self-Managed Super Fund audits. They have always provided sound advice and assist where possible in ensuring the best outcome for clients. A quick turnaround time on audits ensures that our workflow isn’t hampered in providing services to clients. We believe Evolv is an integral part of the service we provide to our Self-Managed Superannuation Fund clients.

Price Williams Whyte

Senior Accountant, Aaron Yarnold